Page name: The Creature Within [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-12 14:55:52
Last author: Neurotic Obsession
Owner: fu**(fuse)
# of watchers: 4
D20: 2
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"Wake Up.."

" Yeah You.."

You open your eyes, rubbing at them. You thought you heard a voice, telling you to waken. "Hm?" You groan, just waking up. Suddenly you jump, not knowing where you are...
" Hello.."

...Says a loud echoing voice. You look around to see where it came from, but you see no one.
"Over Here.."

Echos the voice again, you turn, spotting a odd shaped stone.."Who's there? Show yourself.." You call out, a bit frightened.

"Ah..but I'm right in front of you.. I'm the egg before you. And I am yours..."

Says the odd colored egg.. You look around, searching for someone as if this was all just a joke.. suddenly, the 'egg' start to hatch..

"You're in a different age of time now, so you'll need a weapon.
The date is 1842. We need you, along with several others, this time is in trouble. You need to save it, and I, your creature, is your guide."

You suddenly spot a crate of weapons in the corner of the room..

"Choose your weapon carefully. It'll help you on your way..
Good Luck."

Hello. And Welcome To The Creature Within. Alright, you wake up in a odd place and some odd egg starts speaking to you.. Now It's hatching?!?! Yeah, well what do you do?

In essence this rpg's plot unfolds as you go along with whatever story idea you decide to bring in so have fun ^^

The Creature Within Rules Please read this before starting!
The Creature Within Characters Put your information here and in this order:


Weapon choice:
Creature's Name:
[pic is optional]

Username (or number or email):


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2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sits quietly as she meditates

Ariel scouts around the building.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Suddenly, the lake trembles, and from it, rises a water demon. Bekah looked back, surprised as the demon spits Darius from the waters..

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks up at the lake demon with wide eyes, swimming to the shore as fast as he can to get his sword.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Rose suddenly swoops down, grabbing Bekah and flying to the scene, "this is it Bekah, show them what you got. Dont worrie, I'll be here to protect you." bekah nodded, "Rose, bring me close to the demon." rose nodded and flew Bekah over...

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty 0.0 k...this is beyond weird he thinks watching Bekah

Balto sneaks into the building

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius makes it to the shore and stands with his sword outstretched, Where are you, Ugly? he thinks to himself, looking at the demon, ready to strike if it attacks him.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel perked her head up then headed back inside barking quietly so she doesnt disturb Rogue.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: The demon screeches and runs on the water towards Darius, suddenly Rose spat fire on it, It screeched and made waves to try to knock Rose down...

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Rose dropped Bekah next to darius, and flew back around.. Bekah looked up at Darius, "You okay?" she asked.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: The ground rumbles and Ugly appears under Darius' feet. He rides up on his head and moves toward the demon. Ugly stretches his tentacles out and traps the demon in place.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: The deamon screeches again and struggles to get free.

Bekah looks up at ugly and smiles, then runs toward the Demon, slashing it with her claws..

The demon makes a tital wave to try and knock Bekah and ugly down, yet Rose snaches bekah up in time and breaths fire on it again..

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: bekah looks back at Marty and frowns, "Marty! Come On! We need you! Get In There!" she called from the skys..

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius begins hacking away at the demon as Ugly wraps his body around the demon trying to constrict it.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty shakes but grabs his knives and rushes over, jumping on the demon and slashing at it

Balto senses the demon and runs over to help

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: The demon screams in pain and uses his waves to knock Darius down. Bekah drops nearby and starts slashing at it..

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius falls into the water, the force knocking him out immediately.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah slashes some more at the demon, unsure if Darius is alright or not..>.>

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel barks for Rogue

Rogue, "I cant help them...but if i did they'd leave me alone hopefully" she followed after Ariel to the demon pulling out her sword and buried it into the demon's side.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Rose saw how Darius got knocked out and swooped down, pulling him out of the water, so he wouldn't drown.

The Demon scream once more before going limp..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty shakes and backs away from the demon nervously

Balto growls and barks at it loudly

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue pulls out her sword and backs away imma be in trouble for this....fuck...

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius is pulled on the shore, completely limp, but still breathing.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked up at Rogue, stunned. After a moment of silence, she smiled. "Hey, uh. Thanks."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back and nodded, "welcome"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiled up at ugly, patting his tentacle, "Very good, you can let go now."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty looks at Rogue curiously

Balto trots over to Darius and nuzzles him lightly then howls to get the attention of the others

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks back at marty, "what?"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah kneels down at Darius, patting Balto's head. "Darius?"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius coughs and sits up. "Uhh.. what happened." He says, holding to his head with one hand.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "You passed out." she said bluntly, smirking at him.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius blinks and looks at Bekah, "I doubt it. I must have gotten hit. Creatures usually try to take down the strongest first." He grins at Bekah. Make no wonder you're fine.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty, "Nothing" he says quickly then goes over to Darius

Balto nods and looks at Dariius, making sure he's ok

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "No, They always go for the weakest." she grins back. "And since thats true, make note, that I'm fine"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "whatever" she kneels down next to Ariel petting her, "good girl"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius smiles and chuckles, "Keep telling yourself that, kid." He sighs and mutters, "Fourth time I got soaked today."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah grinned, standing. "Serves you right."

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius sighs and trips Bekah up, knocking her in the lake.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty frowns, "Come on Balto let's go" he says and starts walking with Balto at his heels

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah splashes, head first in the lake, coming up for breath. >:O "Thats it! You're gonna get it now!" she yelled at him. All of a sudden, rose swoops down and picks Darius up, flying him up high in the air.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius closes eyes and clings to Rose's hair. "Put me down! You over glamored lizard!"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue raised her brow and followed after Marty, "hey whats wrong?"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Rose made a laughing sound and flew slightly lower, "As You wish." she thought, winking at bekah and dropping him into the lake.
Bekah laughed and swam to shore. ^^ "Good one Rose." she laughed.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty, "Nothing just want to get away for a few"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods, "alright then come ariel"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius lands with a splash and swims to shore. "I hate you! I hate your glamorized lizard! I hate this place! I hate this lake!" He storms into the house to change into dryer clothes.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles at him and rings out her hair. "yeah.. join the club.."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty nods and keeps walking

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "dysfunctional group"

Ariel pounces Balto.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius comes out in dryer clothes and walks over to the oak tree, sitting down.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked over at Rogue, "Yeah, we are...." she looks down. "I;m not sure what we're supost to do."

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: "None of us do. We never got any answers yet as to what the hell is going on."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "and you wont find them bickering at each other"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at the girl, "And I suppose you have the answers? If you do, please, enlighten us."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "Im not sayin i do im just sayin quit actin like a conceited bastard work with your fuckin group then you'll find some...hence why i do things by myself so there is no one gettin in my way"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: bekah arches a brow at them both, listening in..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty chuckles a little and keeps walking

Balto jumps then barks at Ariel

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius stands and walks toward her, "Then go. Do things on your own." He grins, "Go."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "I will but if i catch your little worm followin me again i wont hesitate to do away with it" she turns to Ariel, "ariel!"

Ariel barks back then looks at rogue wagging her tail.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius grins, "My 'little worm' could destroy you in a flash, you and your mutt." He shifts his eyes to the dog and turns his back on the girl, sitting back down by the oak, grinning.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smirks, "Or so you say" ha he has no idea whom he's dealin with "oh and watch it that demon was only a lower class they get much tougher from now on" she smirks as she starts walking.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks over at him and grins, remembering how he could barly fight the so called 'lower class' demon.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius growls and goes in the house, muttering to himself.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue rolls her eyes, "conceited ass" she mumbles to herself as Ariel starts following after her.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah stands, tieing her hair back into a ponytail and chasing after Rogue, "Hey! Apperently you know more about this place than we do. Whats up? Where did you come from? C'mon you gotta help us.."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty keeps walking and frowns

Balto frowns then follows after Marty

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius sits against a wall in his dark room, deep in thought.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sighs, "I'd tell ya what i know but it get me killed"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah arches a brow, "Who would kill you? and Why?" she asked eager to get some answers..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "Lets leave it at this i know some very powerful demons controlled by some very powerful people and im just not on your side i dont kill the demons...i control them though that water one wasnt mine"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah froze. "So you're saying.. you're a bad guy?" she asked, dumbfoundedly.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "No duh now ive told you too much and you're in equally as much danger as me unless you join my side but im pretty sure you wont so imma go now"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius comes back outside and stands by the door, watching and listening silently.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty pets balto a little

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue turns and starts walking again.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah grabes her arm to stop her, forgetting about her power, "No wait OW!" she exclaimed, unable to get go..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel runs around Marty a little.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius runs to Bekah and pushes her off the girl with his cane.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "shit!" she pulls away quickly from Bekah shaking as she puts on her gloves, "She'll be ok"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah fell to the floor, stunned, stairing up at Rogue in disbelief.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius turns to the girl, "Go. If all your doing is putting us and yourself in danger, then go." He kneels down beside Bekah, "Are you ok?"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smirks, "its not over it never is" she walks quickly from them.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks up at Rogue and streches a hand out, "No! Wait! I wanna learn more!" Nodding at Darius's question, "I'm fine, she knows, dont let her leave!" she exclaimed.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius helps Bekah back to her feet. "No, let her go. We don't need something like that here."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty see's what happend with bekah and growls at Darius, "It's not Rogue's fault that her power does that you insensitivie ass!"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue turns around, "that!? you sound like one of those self righteous humans think you're better cause you're not a freak?" she looks to Bekah, "If ya wanna learn more ya gotta come to my side of the playing field and join this team"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: He snaps his head toward Marty. "I'm not talking about her power! I'm talking about how she knows others that want to kill us. Do you want to die? DO YOU?!"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "he wont if he joins my side those demons wont touch him"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius growls, "Then go, both of you, go to her side. I'll stay here, at least I know I'm protected by Ugly."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked confused, not sure what to do and stood. "Fine. I'll join your group, it's better than what we're doing now..." "What are you doing bekah?!" thought Rose. (('dont worrie Rose, you'll see')) she thought back..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty growls, "What if I do want to die? Huh? Never thought of that possiblity did you mr high and mighty" he shakes his head and keeps walking muttering under his breath

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at Bekah, shocked before his face turns cold. "Fine, be mindless."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods, "alright but betray us and you'll meet a most unfortunate end"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at Marty and unsheathes his sword before throwing it at him. It drops at his feet. "Then kill yourself. Don't let me stand in your way."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah nods, giving Darius an sorry look. "Now, tell me everything you know.." she commanded, and started walking..Rose flew overhead, still unsure..

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: [Watching Ellen >.>.. brb in a few minutes]

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: [okie]

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue chuckles, "ah not yet...gotta prove yourself first" she summoned a high class demon to walk with them, "Just in case"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked up fearfully at the demon. "Umm.. prove myself?" she asked, unsure..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "you really think we'd just let you know everything? but i'll let you know somethings only a select handful of people can summon demons and control them"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah raised an brow. "Really now? Why is that?"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: [hey i g2g eat. brb <3]

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "only those who have fully proven that they'll do anything for the group can if you betray the power gets revoked"

[tay :D]

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: [back <3 Oh noes.. I missed mah baby :(]

Darius sits by the oak tree and watches everyone, he takes a cigarette out of his case and lights it up, inhaling deeply to try to calm his nerves.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: [sadness V.V]

Marty jumps and looks at the sword then sighs, "No..."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel wandered away from Rogue barking playfully at Balto.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius goes over and gets his sword and puts it back in his cane, then walks back over to the tree, still smoking.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: [is back 8D]
Bekah, "Then what must I do to earn such a thing?" she asked.. looking back a Darius..

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: [Yay! *Tackle hugs*.. ok.. I'll stop the awesome pink text :P]
Darius thinks to himself, shaking his head slightly.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty sighs and keeps walking

Balto barks back at Ariel

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "well for one it might involve getting rid of that Darius fella"

Ariel wags her tail.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: [where is Marty going? walking in circles?!? XD]
Bekah looks back at her, "How come?" she asked.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "he wont join this side according to the leader those who wont join must die"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius grins, "Because I'm the biggest threat, why else. Wouldn't you want to test her elsewhere? Away from observant eyes? Of course not. You don't possess that mental capacity, do you?"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks back and smirks, "you were taken out by a lower class demon you're not a threat dumbass"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: "I was taken out because I was caught offguard. Not expecting it to come after me. I thought the dragon was distracting. And stop your swearing, one only swears when they have nothing else to say, meaning their intellect is quite low."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "I swear because i can and want to its called freedom of speech and always expect something to attack you its basic knowledge"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: "Freedom of speech has nothing to do with yelling out vulgarities." He sighs and speaks in an odd voice, "Come down here, Darius, she's not worth your breath." Darius sighs, "You're right, Ugly." and jumps down a hole Ugly made earlier.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah rolles her eyes at the two..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "Dont roll your eyes" she keeps walking the demon growling softly.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: [sorry peanut issues today]

Marty frowns and loos back at balto, great even he's going now he shakes his head and walks faster, trying to get as far away from everyone as he can

Balto smiles then looks at Marty and frowns

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [tis k ^^]

Ariel lowers her ears and tail sorry...

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah sighs, "Sorry. Proceed?" she askes, keeping the same pace as Rogue..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "i cant really tell you much else he's wrong though the strong ones we try and get to come over to this side and you my dear are very strong"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles, "Well thank you. I've been tring to tell him that all along.." she said loud enough for him to hear..grinning.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Balto, it's not your fault...I should go to him and try and get him to stay...

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius frowns at what he hears and mutters, "Yeah, strong, but no honor, so what's the point?" He lights up another cigarette and continues following Ugly, wondering where he's going.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back, "you're welcome"

Ariel nods, can i help?

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Rose watches from the air.."Ask her if she wants a ride.." she told bekah. Swooping down and landing behind them..
Bekah smiles, "Would you like a ride?"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods, "sure why not ariel can always easily find me"

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Balto nods and quickly follows after Marty

Marty, "Leave me alone mutt"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel follows after Balto.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles and climbs on Rose, "well now, c'mon. but hang on tight.." she warned.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nodded hopping onto Rose, "will do"

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Balto frowns and lowers his ears a little, where are you going?

Marty, "Away" he snaps and keeps walking

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel why?

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiled at her and hangs on, as Rose took flight..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back hanging on as well, "cool"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Rose made a laughing sound as she flew over the treetops.
Bekah smiled, "Yeah, it's nice up here." she sighed, losening her grip. "You can relax now, I'll tell you when to hang on for dear life again when she gets tired and wants to go down."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods relaxing looking down, "wow we're up high"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks down also, "Yeah, I can tell her to go lower if you want.." Bekah offered..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty, "Cuz I don't belong here and you both know it"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius breaks into a run, trying to keep up with Ugly in the underground tunnels.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes her head, "Nah im good"

Ariel, you dont know that

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles, letting go Rose and leaning against her neck "Alrighty, So, where do you wanna go?" she asks, mumbling the special word that makes her see whatever her dragon sees.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty, "I can't fight I don't know how to plus I have no reason to fight"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiles back, "uh the mountain i have a little cabin there"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel, u can always find a reason

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah lookes down at The mountain and see's the cabin. "Alright Rose. Down there.. Hold on tight Marie.." Bekah said, haning onto Rose's hair as Rose started to spiral down to the mountain..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue clinged to the dragon.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Within moments they landed and Bekah slid off Rose, mumbling the words that would make her eyesight normal again. "Here we are ^^" she said cheerfully.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue hopped and chuckled, "well alright well i guess to be honest now would be good, My real name Is Anne Marie you can call me Marie but i prefer being called Rogue"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiled. "Rogue it is then.." she looks around, "where are we?"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back, "just in the mountains a very secluded area i like it"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah nods, "Yeah, I've always liked the mts."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty sighs, "Leave me be"

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel no

Rogue smiled, "so whats with that darius fella anyway? does he really hate it when a girl upstages him?"

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah shrugged, "I guess. I don't really know him that well, but he's like a jerk and he reallys annoying." Bekah smiles, "But he is cute. I'll give him that.."

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius wakes up and looks around the dark hole, "...Did I just fall asleep in.. dirt? Ugh!" He stands up and tries to dust himself up. "Now.. where the hell am I?" "Be quiet, Idiot, yes, that's what I named you. I'm Ugly, you're Idiot, deal with it. They can hear us if you're too loud. Now shut-up!" He blinks and whispers, "OK, OK, jeeze. No need to flip out." He sits down and listens to.. something. But, where am I? he thinks to himself, gripping his cane.

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles and goes inside, Rogue following..

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius stands up and feels his way towards Ugly, whispering, "Where the hell are we?" "A place, that's all you need to know." "Bullshit!" He shouts, then lowers his voice again, "I'm here, so it concerns me, so I deserve to know.. Plus, I really need to take a leak, can't we go back?" "No." Darius sighs and looks around as his eyes adjust to the darkness, making a face at the worms and bugs scurrying around, "HOLY SHIT!" He shouts. Shut-up, Idiot!" Darius hisses in Uglys' voice before getting tossed to the side of the dirt wall. "Fuck you, I'm going back." Darius whispers, making his way back to the house.

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah froze as she thought she heard Darius's voice. "Dar?" she called, not sure..

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius blinks and looks around, "Bekah?" He turns around and runs to Ugly, "Where is she? Is she hurt? We have to help her!" he whispers to Ugly. "She doesn't matter anymore, she's one of them." Darius frowns, "Yeah, you're right." He looks around again, wondering where he is.

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah lookes around, suddenly spotting a ugly hole. "No!" she proclaimed, jumping inside the hole, "You followed us!?!?"

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at her and points at Ugly, "I followed him! He didn't tell me shit! No one tells me shit! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked up at the hole's entrance, then back at him pulling him deeper into the hole. "Shut up. I'm not really on her side. I'm just tring to see whats up. Now shut up and I'll escape as soon as I get some answers." she said in hushed tones. "NOW DIE!" she yelled, looking back to the entrance incase Rogue was wondering what was up, throwing dirt on her clothes and cutting her arm to look like they did battle. "See you." she smiles at him and leaps out of the hole...

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius blinks and looks at Ugly before smiling, "Faking.. getting information... You know, I might be wrong about her." He hops on Ugly and heads back to the house, "Don't be so quick to judge, she could get brainwashed and manipulated." Darius' smiles fades as he nods, "You're right, I'll keep my guard up from now on."

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks back at Rogue and smiles, and holds her arm. "He got away. But I did get him.." she said..

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [Those two need to get online >.>]

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: [ they do. :P I guess we'll stop till they do then]

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [Or one of us can dual RP, like make another char, probably use bold text when it's that person *Shrugs* I dunno]

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: [no need for boldness XD But nah. frankly I'm too tired to dual or anythings right now]

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [True, you should go back to bed babe *kisses*]

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: [*kisses back* But I cant. I wish, but my body is telling me "ha loser! You're tired but you cant sleep cause I wont let you!!!" XP]

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [lol, fine then >.>]

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: The demon sat outside of the hole unknowingly to them listening into their conversation with his hearing. His ears slicked back and reported immediately to Rogue before Bekah appeared back to her.

Rogue nodded and leaned against the cabin, "oh really?"

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: After a while of traveling underground, Darius emerges from a hole and hops off of Ugly, "So, why did you take me there? I didn't want to go." "Because you need to things if you're going to take control of the situation." Darius sighs and nods, heading in the house to relieve his aching bladder and get something to eat.

2009-08-12 [wolvie]: Marty frowns, "Maybe I'll just join with that Rogue person...least then the demons could fight for me..."

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel nods and wags her tail that and Rogue's a nice girl she may not seem it but she sticks up and will be there for ya if ya ever need her ^^ she's mai hooman :D

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius sits at the table, chewing thoughtfully on an apple, wondering why he has to get stuck in all this disorganized chaos.

2009-08-12 [wolvie]: Marty sighs, "Fine...where is she?"

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel sniffs the air a bit, her cabin in the mountains with she growls lightly, that bekah girl i dont trust her

2009-08-12 [wolvie]: Balto frowns and nuzzles Marty lightly, your sure this is what you want?

Marty nods at Balto, "Lead me there"

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel nods quickly taking Marty to the cabin.

Rogue smiles, "hey ariel i knew you'd find me" she kneels down petting the fox then looks up, "Hey"

2009-08-12 [wolvie]: Marty looks at Rogue, "Hey..." k what am I supposed to say?

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [Before we go any further, I would like to set down a few rules if I may.]

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [SureƱo]

Rogue, "ready to switch?"

2009-08-12 [wolvie]: [*nods* go ahead ^^]

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [read them but for the record im not changin my character ive already started with this one]

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [I'm aware of that, but you'll be the only exception. Also, please put more work into your posts, I'm easy to get along with (many can vouch for that) but I am also a Grammar Nazi and I like being able to envision the place on the mountains. What color is it? Is it nice, or rundown? Any snow there? Wildlife?]

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [im usually tired when i get on elfpack either cause its early and im tryin to do other things or i just got off of work -,- i'll attempt to do more but im warnin ya ahead of time most likely i wont]

2009-08-12 [wolvie]: [*nods* same like right now I've got a cold so that makes me tired even though I got like 7 hours of sleep last night, plus I'm usually watching my one year old niece (like now) so that makes it hard to put a whole lot of info in the posts, no offence but peanut comes before ep]

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [With a bit of practice, it should come naturally. Speaking as someone who's been a roleplayer for about 10 or so years now, I started out weak and horrid with my posts, but after a while, it came naturally, and I became a great author and poet. But anyways, Darius is sitting and thinking, chewing on his apple which is probably brown now Oo. Continue with the story line.]

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [If the child comes first, then please, don't post.]

2009-08-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [doesnt mean she cant post she just cant write a novel for one post -,-]

Rogue stood up crossing her arms as he cocked her hips lightly to the right, "So are you here to join or to tell me that what im doing is wrong and that i should join their side. Cause i wont because i want to live and you have no idea what kinda monsters they have"

2009-08-12 [wolvie]: [well then I guess I might have to leave the RPG because my peanut girl is always going to be my top priority sorry]

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: [Don't be sorry, just find a way to kill your character if you feel you must leave. Sorry if you think an ass of me, but I'm strict when it comes to this stuff. Not saying that the kid shouldn't be your top priority, just saying the one sentence posts can be quite annoying when one is trying to imagine the surroundings and look on the characters face.]

2009-08-12 [wolvie]: [k i'll just say that he killed himself ^^ yeah that'll work]

Marty looks at Rogue and frowns, it's just not worth it... "Never mind Rogue" he says and starts walking for awhile then sits down by the side of a lake and pulls out one of his knives, I don't belong here and I never's time to go home he thinks to himself before slitting his own throat

2009-08-12 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked up at Rogue, holding her hurt arm. "Yes, now please, lets get me bandaged." she offered, stepping forward to push past Rogue to get inside...

2009-08-12 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks down at his apple, dark brown now. He stares at it for a while, thinking to himself, *How long was I daydreaming?* He frowns and rises from the table and throws the apple outside. He sighs, staring out the window towards the mountains. "Be careful, Bekah. Something is up, I can feel it." he whispers before grabbing his cane and heading outside and disappearing down a hole.

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